Sunday 7 March 2010

Barbie GaGa

I've just came across the most extraordinary Barbie Dolls. Even though people found out about them about a year ago I can't believe I've never seen them before.

The 29 year old called Viek doesn't consider himself a dolls designer but a dolls player.

Perez Hilton caught wind of Viek's work and blogged about it, but fans of his Flickr page knew about these way before. Vieks says that he doesn't post photo's of his amazing dolls for bragging but to inspire others and to tell the world “your hands make everything.”

I find the Kermit the frog outfit extremely cool, even though when she wear it herself, it did look a bit out of the ordinary.

This is just amazing, look at them little Barbie GaGa shoes.

Talk about crazy! But they are crafted so perfectly.

This is what Viek said when asked about why did he decide to make a Lady GaGa doll - "That's a good question. Who else dresses like her? Obviously, she's a fashion leader. I hadn't really ever known of her until this summer, when someone left a comment on one of my doll pictures, saying "this doll is dressed up like Lady Gaga." That inspired me. I had been designing hair for dolls and was looking for new inspiration. I used to get a lot of inspiration from runway shows of high fashion designers, so Lady Gaga became a huge inspiration. Just look at her in those amazing wigs, makeup, and outfits! I was thinking it would be fun to make those wigs for dolls, and that a Lady Gaga doll must be interesting. Since then, I pay close attention to her; her music, clothes, glasses, makeup, everything! Every detail makes me love her more and more."

You can find more photo's of his work and of Lady GaGa on this Filckr page

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